Thursday, September 30, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) This sax player is associated with helping to start the bossa nova craze, but had previously played with Stan Kenton, Jimmy Dorsey and Benny Goodman. Who was he?

2) Which three states border on Yellowstone National Park?

3) Who was the legendary tenor player who played with Maynard Fewrguson and Miles Davis before he formed the seminal fusion group, Weather Report?

4) Frankln D. Roosevelt was famous for introducing the "New Deal," but the prior Roosevelt, Teddy, was responsible for another deal. What was it called?


1) Stan Getz

2) Idaho, Montana and Wyoming

3) Wayne Shorter

4) Teddy Roosevelt's policy program was called the "Square Deal."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) In the 1989 biopic Great Balls of Fire,who played Jerry Lee Lewis?

2) which jazz musician was known as "The Little Giant"?


1) Dennis Quaid played Jerry Lee Lewis.

2) Johnny Griffin

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia


1) Raped at ten years old, by thirteen, she was a working prostitute. Someone heard her sing and she began a successful career as a jazz singer. Tragically, she later succumbed to drug addiction. One of Motown's singing sensations portrayed her in the 1972 movie, Lady Sings the Blues. Who was this singer who played "Lady Day"?

2) What singer is the only celebrity to have five stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

3) What is the name of the company credited with having created the coin-operated video game industry?

4) She was known as the “Lady of 6000 Songs.” Featured both in John Berendt’s book and subsequent film, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, her ability to remember music and lyrics was phenomenal. Fridays and Saturdays she sang in local night clubs in Savannah and Sundays she performed in church. In her 70s, when fame had come to her, she maintained a hectic performing schedule. What was her name?


1) Diana Ross played Billie Holiday in the movie.

2) Gene Autry

3) Atari

4) Emma Kelly

Monday, September 27, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) This velvety baritone recorded an album with John Coltrane in 1963. Who was this singer?

2) This landmark is recognized all over the world for symbolizing freedom and democracy. What is it?

3) She was one of the great vocalists of the Swing era, performing as a regular at the Cotton Club and with Duke Ellington's band. Who was she?

4) Before texting, creative shorthand was used on bumper stickers to promote a 1964 presidential candidate. How did the sticker read?


1) Johnny Hartman

2) the Statue of Liberty

3) Ivie Anderson

4) The stickers read "Au H20." Au was the elemental sign for "Gold" and H20 was to indicate "water." In that time, most people had memorized the periodic table, so they were able to make out that they were supposed to vote for Barry Goldwater.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) On this date in 1911, the first flight across the U.S. was successfully completed. It took pilot C.P. Rogers 82 hours to fly from New York City to where?

2) Before Three's Company, John Ritter played a recurring character on what show?


1) Pasadena, California

2) For 5 years, he played Rev. Matthew Fordwick on The Waltons

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) On this date in 1620, The Mayflower left Plymouth, England to make its way across the Atlantic to America. Not counting the crew, how many pilgrims were on board for the journey?

2) On this date in 1953 the first movie filmed in widescreen Cinemascope premiered at the Roxy Theater in New York. What was the movie?

3) On this date in 1630, the village of Shawmut, Massachussetts changed its name. We now call this place what?


1)There were 102 pilgrims on The Mayflower.

2) The Robe

3) Boston

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) This international environmental advocacy group was founded on this date in 1971. What is the organization's name?

2) This jazz cornetist was portrayed by Danny Kaye. Who was the cornet player and what was the movie?

3) Who wrote the song, "Misty"?

4) What did director Oliver Stone do during the Vietnam War?


1) Greenpeace

2) Danny Kaye played Eugene "Red" Nichols in the movie The Five Pennies.

3) Erroll Garner.

4) Stone served with the Army in Vietnam, was awarded the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) What is it called when water particles, upon hitting the ground, freeze?

2) In 1937, the Count Basie Band featured two singers, Jimmy Rushing and who else?

3) This chief justice of the Supreme Court resigned in order to run for governor of New York. Who was he?


1) freezing rain

2) Billie Holiday. Lady Day was with the band for a year, then was ousted. Rumor has it John Hammond forced her out.

3) John Jay

Monday, September 13, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) According to Forbes Magazine (2008), what is the most visited landmark in the United States?

2) What was trumpeter Harry Edison's nickname?

3) Which state is the only one not to have a National Park?


1) Times Square

2) "Sweets"

3) Delaware

Friday, September 10, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) Gunsmoke premiered on television on this date in 1955. How long did the western-themed TV show run?

2) Who had a hit with the jazz/pop oldie, "Stranger on the Shore"?

3) Cleo Laine was married to a bandleader. What was his name?


1) 20 years

2) Acker Bilk

3) John Dankworth. He was the first British jazz musician to have been knighted -- so that's Sir John Dankworth, thank you.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) This famous singer began his career as part of "The Hoboken Four" on th Major Bowes Amateur Hour on this date in 1935. Who was he?

2) The average person's brain is what percent water?

3) This Texas guitarist is considered the father of jazz guitar, bringing the guitar from a rhythm-keeping background to the solo spotlight. Who is he?

4) This retired Indian schoolteacher holds the record for being the oldest woman to have given birth. How old was she when her first child was born?


1) Frank Sinatra

2) 80%

3) Charlie Christian

4) Satyabhama Mahapatra was 65 years old.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) Where are the ripest olives produced?

2) ESPN debuted on cable on this date in 1979. What does "ESPN" stand for?

3) Which country produces the most cork?

4) Born Ruth Lee Jones, this jazz, soul and popsinger scored big with her version of "What a Difference a Day Makes." Who was she?


1) California. Franciscan monks introduced olive trees to the region in the 1700s.

2) The Entertainment and Sports Programming Network

3) Portugal. Portugal has regulations protecting cork trees since 1320.

4) Dinah Washington.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) Born on this date in 1923, this cartoonist created the strips "Beetle Bailey" and Hi and Lois." Who is it?

2) Which river basin has evidence of the earliest human civilization in Europe?

3) Which president was the first to have been born in the 20th century?


1) Mort Walker

2) Danube

3) John F. Kennedy

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) Which president delivered his inaugural address without once using the word "I"?

2) The Renaissance period began in what country?

3) It was the year 1905. How old was Frank Epperson when he invented the popsicle?


1) Theodore Roosevelt

2) Italy

3) Frank was 11 when he mixed some soda water powder to drink, but forgot it on the back porch with the stirring stick in it. It froze solid, thus creating the "Epsicle," now known as the popsicle.

Alan Rock's Trivia! (for 9/1/2010)


1)September 1st, 1985 was a historic day for undersea discoveries. What was found?

2) Green Eggs and Ham was written on a dare. What was the challenge for Dr. Seuss?

3) Which company is credited for creating the coin-operated video game industry?

4) Lily Tomlin received a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role in what film?


1) The Titanic

2) Seuss's editor dared him to write a book using fewer than 50 different words.

3) Atari

4) Robert Altman's Nashville.