Which President first approved the idea of observing an
annual Father's Day?
A: Pres. Woodrow
Wilson 1916
Which Pres. made Father’s Day a national event?
A: Pres. Calvin Coolidge, 1924
Which Pres. signed a presidential proclamation declaring
the 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s Day?
A: Pres. Lyndon Johnson 1966
Which Pres. signed Father’s Day into law?
A: Pres. Richard Nixon 1972.
When was the first LOCAL Father’s Day
A: June 19, 1910 in Spokane , Washington.
What is the official flower of Father’s Day?
A: Roses. A red rose if your father is alive a white rose if he is decased.
Who conceived the idea of Father’s Day?
A: Sonora
Dodd of Spkane, Washington in honor of her father’s birthday June 19, 1910 and
was proclaimed by Sokane’s mayor as the first Father’s Day.
What is he most common gifts associated with Father's Day?
A: comprises of a necktie, followed by flowers.