Monday, September 17, 2007

Alan Rock's Trivia Teasers

Q: A new vegetable loaded with vitamins and minerals is the offspring of broccoli and Chinese cabbage. What is it called?

A: Broccolini

Q: Before "Three's Company," what show was actor John Ritter a regular on?

A: For five years he was Rev. Matthew Fordwick on "The Waltons."

Q: September 17, 1931 RCA Records introduced something in England for the recording industry; what was it?

A: the 33 1/3 long-play record

Q: Sep. 17, 1954, Jazz history was made. What was it?

A: Jazz Festival opened on the grass tennis courts of the Newport Casino in Newport, Rhode Island. The opening number: "Muscrat Ramble" by Eddie Condon and his band.

Q: Sep. 17, 1994, Heather Whitestone of Birmingham, Alabama, became the first contestant with a disability to be crowned Miss America. What was her disability?

A: Deafness

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