Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1)  Caroline Kennedy is currently serving as U.S. Ambassador to what country?

2)  Who directed The Wolf of Wall Street?

3)  This U.S. city is known for its large population of polydactyl cats.

4)  How many presidents have been impeached?


1)  Japan

2)  Martin Scorcese

3)  Key West, Florida. The cats are affectionately called "Hemingway" cats, as the famed author made his home there and had many of those cats with the extra toes. In his honor, about 50-60 kitties continue to "reside" at the Hemingway Home and Museum.

4)  Two, and both men were acquitted - Andrew Johnson, who was accused of violating the Tenure of Office Act, and William Clinton, who was accused of perjury and obstruction of justice in relation to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

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