Monday, January 28, 2013

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1)  One of the distinguishing features of this city is that it's known for being populated with a lot of cats.

2)  This angel was one of God's messengers.

3)  Her book, And Then There Were None sold over 100 million copies.

4)  Dwight D. Eisenhower won both his elections in landslides over the same opponent. Who ran against him?


1)  Key West is famous for carrying on a tradition begun by its most famous citizen, Ernest Hemingway. He famously kept a lot of cats around his place. Many of them were polydactyl cats, meaning they have an extra toe on their front paws.

2) The angel Gabriel is a deliverer of important messages and figures especially prominently in the book of Daniel and in Luke's account of the nativity.

3)  Agatha Christie

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