Thursday, January 03, 2013

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1)  On this date in 1973, George Steinbrenner bought the New York Yankees for $10 million. Who sold them to him?

2)  Who was the first woman inducted in the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame?

3)  The Beatles recorded their last song together on this date in 1970. What was the song's title?

4)  Eric Knight's classic, Lassie, Come-Home, was first published as a short story in the Saturday Evening Post in 1938. Where was "home"?


1)  The Yankees were sold to Steinbrenner by CBS.

2)  Aretha Franklin

3)  The last song they recorded was "I Me Mine."  George wrote the song in one evening and a decade later,  the title would be used again for his autobiography. Harrison took his inspiration from a verse in the Bhagavad Gita: "They are forever free who renounce all selfish desires and break away from the ego-cage of "I", "me" and "mine" to be united with the Lord. This is the supreme state. Attain to this, and pass from death to immortality" (BG 2:71-72). Whether deliberate or not, the song addresses the clashes of egos in the Beatles' painful closing days as a group (read more at Wikipedia).

4)  Lassie's home was Yorkshire, England. The pic below is from the original 1943 movie with Roddy McDowall.

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