Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1)  This president added the words, "under God" to the pledge of allegiance.

2)  On this date in 1986, participants of Dick Clark’s TV special America Picks the Number One Songs chose three songs to represent the top songs of the rock era. What were they?

3)  The New York Yankees started out with another team name as well as another town. What was the original team name and what city was their home?

4) Bismarck is the capital of what state?


1) Eisenhower

2) Participants  chose Bill Haley’s "Rock Around the Clock," Simon & Garfunkel’s "Bridge Over Troubled Waters," and Lionel Richie’s "All Night Long" as the top three songs of the era.

3)  The Yankees began as the Baltimore Orioles and relocated to New York in 1903.

4)  North Dakota

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