Monday, May 06, 2013

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1)   On this date in 1954, Roger Bannister accomplished something no one had done before him. What was it?

2)  George Clooney celebrates his 52nd birthday today. When he was 21, he opted to try acting since he didn't make the cut for his original dream position.  What was it?

3)   England's "One Penny Black" was issued on this date in 1840.  What was the "One Penny Black"?

4)  In which decade was Casablanca released?


1)  He was the first to run a mile in under 4 minutes.

2)  Clooney had tried out to be a centerfielder for the Cincinnati Reds.

3)  The One Penny Black was the world's first adhesive postage stamp.

4)  The 1940s.  Specifically, the film was released January 23, 1943.

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