Monday, May 22, 2006

Alan Rock's Trivia Questions

Q: "The Great Train Robbery" at Marshfield, Indiana occurred on May 22, 1868. What was the name of the gang that pulled it off, and how much did they get?
A: The infamous Reno Gang pulled it off, and escaped with $98,000 in cash. They made their getaway in the locomotive. They were lucky. Even in thos days, a locomotive was pretty easy to track.

Q: On May 22, 1891, Thomas Edison showed a film of a man bowing, smiling, and waving to 147 women in West Orange, New Jersey. What was the occasion?
A: The first poublic showing of a motion picture. It was what is called a "chick flick." Women loved it and all agreed they could hardly wait to read the book.

Q: To improve her memory, Eleanor Roosevelt ate something very unusual. What was it?
A: Three chocolate-covered garlic balls every day of her adult life.

Q: On May 22, 1972, the first U.S. president visited Moscow. Who was he?
A: President Richard Nixon. He met with Soviet President Brezhnev. The two leaders agreed to stop producing new threats, warnings, and insults; but existing threats, warnings, and insults could be stockpiled as a deterrent -- in case future use should be required.

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