Monday, July 31, 2006

Alan Rock's Trivia questions

Q: This date in 1981 was a happy day for baseball fans. Why?
A: The seven week players strike ended.

Q: In which state is it illegal to wake up a bear to take its picture?
A: Alaska.

Q: On July 31, 1930. what famous actor starred as "The Shadow" in the show's radio debut?
A: Orson Welle. At first, the Shadow was the narrator for changing stories, but later became a character in his own adventures. He knew what evil lurked in the hearts of men.

Q: On July 31, 1845 what musical insrument was introduced into the military bands of the French Army?
A: The saxophone. It allowed the French to toot sweet. The saxophone was easy for the French to learn, it came with an illustrated manual--The Joy of Sax.
Q: Just who invented the saxophone anyway?
A: The saxophone was invented by a Belgian named Adolphe Sax. It was such a success, Mr. Sax moved to New York and opened his own store--Sax 5th Avenue.

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