Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Alan Rocks Trivia Questions

Q: Jan 23rd, 1971 was the coldest day ever recorded in the United States. In Prospect Creek, Alaska, the mercury dropped to what?
A: Minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The kind of day an Alaskan woman picks up the phone and orders something feminine from Fredericks of Fairbanks.

Q: Born Jan 23rd, 1737, this man was the first to sign the declaration of Independence. Who was he?
A: John Hancock. Contrary to popular belief, John did not sell insurance. I'm not sure what he did, but from his large, legible signature, I do know he wasn't a doctor.

Q: On Jan. 23rd, 1977, the most watched program in history began on ABC-TV. It was a mini series. Can you name it?
A: Roots, based on the Alex Haley novel.

Q: Why should you know the name Elizabeth Blackwell?
A: Because she became the first American woman to receive a medical degree on Jan 23rd, 1849. Before that, all doctors were men. They had to be men, because in those days women were not allowed on the golf course.

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