Monday, June 25, 2007

Alan Rock's Trivia Teaser

Q: Today on June 25, 1876 was a very, very bad day for a man named George. Why?

A: At the Battle of the Little Big Horn in Montana, Chief Crazy Horse and his Sioux warriors wiped out the army of Col. George Custer.

Q: Who was the first US President to get married in office?

A: June 25, 1844: President John Tyler. He promised to love, honor, and veto.

Q: President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Wage and Hours Act on June 25, 1938, establishing a minimum wage. What was that minimum wage?

A: 25 cents an hour and a maximum work week of 44 hours. Thus, for the first time in history, American workers could earn at least $11 a week. Yes indeed, those were the good old days. And some people still haven't forgiven Roosevelt.

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