Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Alan Rock's Trivia

According to Impulse Research of CulverCity, CA, when Americans look back on their lives, what do more regret wasting time on? A: 67% regret wasting time worrying; 35% watching television; 27% commuting; 19% cleaning and doing chores; 18% gossiping.

What is the oldest weekly program on television? A: "Meet the Press." Today is the 59th anniversary for it's on very early Sunday morning, so it's also the most regularly missed weekly program on television. The news program made its TV debut on November 6, 1947. It had been on the radio from 1945.

James Naismith was born in Ontario on November 6, 1861. What did he invent? A: Basketball, but it didn't catch on at first. In fact, it was a very boring game until they finally put air in the ball.

For her role in The Flying Nun, how much was actress Sally Field paid? A: $4,000 a week.

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