Monday, February 11, 2008

Alan Rock's Trivia

Q: Who was the first female U.S. Attorney General?
A: Miami prosecutor Janet Reno, announced by President Bill Clinton on February 11, 1993.

Q: Today is the birthday of Thomas Alva Edison. How many patents did he hold?
A: 1,093. One concept that never took off was Edison's interest in using cement to build things. He formed the Edison Portland Cement Company in 1899, and made everything from cabinets (for phonographs) to pianos and houses. Unfortunately, conceret was too expensive at the time, and the idea was never accepted. Cement wasn't a total failure, though. His company was hired to build Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. It was Edison who said, "Alexander Graham Bell would have invented twice as much stuff if you could just get him off the phone."

Q: On February 11, 1966, Willie Mays became the highest paid baseball player, signing a two-year contract with the San Francisco Giants. What was the amount of compensation?
A: About $130,000 a year.

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