Friday, December 18, 2009

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) On this date in 1865, the 13th amendment to the Constitution was ratified, effectively doing what?

2) According to the Department of Agriculture, the leading U.S. crop between 1990 and 2007 was what?

3) What was Steven Spielberg's directorial debut?


1) It abolished slavery.

2) corn

3) Spielberg directed an episode of Rod Serling's Night Gallery titled "Eyes,", an episode which starred Joan Crawford as a rich but bitter and vindictive blind woman who pays a destitute man for his corneas so that she can have them transplanted in her eyes. The doctor has prepared her that she will only be able to see for about 8 hours. She is completely indifferent to the fact that in exchange for those eight hours of sight, the man whose corneas she takes will be blind forever. She has the operation, and the instant the bandages are removed, the city is plunged into a blackout. She spends those "sighted" 8 hours trying to get out of the apartment building in the dark stairwells, and finally makes it back to her apartment when the sun comes up. She finally sees the sun, but it's the last thing she does.

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