Monday, September 27, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) This velvety baritone recorded an album with John Coltrane in 1963. Who was this singer?

2) This landmark is recognized all over the world for symbolizing freedom and democracy. What is it?

3) She was one of the great vocalists of the Swing era, performing as a regular at the Cotton Club and with Duke Ellington's band. Who was she?

4) Before texting, creative shorthand was used on bumper stickers to promote a 1964 presidential candidate. How did the sticker read?


1) Johnny Hartman

2) the Statue of Liberty

3) Ivie Anderson

4) The stickers read "Au H20." Au was the elemental sign for "Gold" and H20 was to indicate "water." In that time, most people had memorized the periodic table, so they were able to make out that they were supposed to vote for Barry Goldwater.

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