Friday, November 12, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) One of the most unique devices in the 1964 presidential campaign was an image used to project a candidate's name using a chemical element to project the name. What was it?

2) What is the city that is known as the "birthplace of the American Baseball League?"

3) What U.S. president is credited with the establishment of a national park system?


1) Au and H2O were often seen on bumper stickers. Au is the scientific designation for gold, followed by H2O, the designation for water. Thus, AuH2O referred to presidential candidate Goldwater.

2) The Republican House, a hotel in Milwaukee, became the birthplace of the American League on March 5, 1900.

3) Though Ulysses S. Grant established Yellowstone National Park, Theodore Roosevelt is credited with this accomplishment.

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