Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) Which state, located on the U.S. eastern seaboard, has registered 16 earthquakes since 1974?

2) When naming aircrafts, what do the letters T, F and B stand for?

3) What jazz trumpet icon was heralded as the "Prince of Darkness" by media hounds and music critics, none of whom could seem to break the ice in their interviews with this master?

4) The ancient Romans called their symbol the "king of birds." What type of bird preceded each marching legion?


1) Maine.

2) Trainer, Fighter, and Bomber, respectively.

3) Miles Davis. There is nothing dark about Davis' "Kind of Blue," one of the most popular albums in jazz history -- supposedly unrehearsed before its recording. His "dark" side came later in his career as he moved in a direction that most critics could not understand (and Mr. Davis refused to talk to media idiots).

4) A golden eagle preceded each marching Roman legion.

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