Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) Which two U.S. states have the highest speed limit?

2) Which country is second largest in the world?

3) What Country & Western star was depicted biographically in the film Coal Miner's Daughter, and what actress won the Oscar for her role in the film?

4) What early explorer to the New World paved the way for Dutch colonization in what is now the New York area? He was later set to sea and abandoned by mutineers.


1) Utah and Texas both have stretches of highway with an 80 mph speed limit.

2) Canada is the second largest country after Russia. Nearly 90 percent of Canada's population is concentrated within 161 km of the United States/Canada border.

3) Loretta Lynn was the Coal Miner's Daughter, and Sissy Spacek won the Oscar (she even did the singing in the film).

4) Henry Hudson was the abandoned explorer.

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