Monday, December 05, 2011

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) The real Saint Nicholas was born in what country?

2) Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer was created as a promotion for what department store?

3) In A Charlie Brown Christmas, which character builds a gray snowman?

4) The first known time anyone in the U.S. drank eggnog was when?


1) Turkey. He was born some time around 280, A.D. in Patara, which is near the modern city of Myra. The legend about him is that he gave away his inherited wealth and traveled the countryside seeking out and helping the sick and impoverished.

2) Montgomery Ward

3) Pigpen

4) According to the historical accounts of Captain John Smith, the first eggnog made in the U.S. was consumed in his Jamestown settlement in 1607. Nog was a variation of "grog," which refers to any drink made with rum.

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