Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) This new car was introduced at the New York World Fair on this date in 1964.

2) She was the first woman to completely circumnavigate the earth by air on this date in 1964.

3) This Apollo spacecraft miraculously returned home on this date in 1970, even though it was discovered that there was a major malfunction on its way to the moon.


1) The Ford Mustang

2) Jerrie Mock. She completed her journey after 291 days, 21 stopovers and covered 50,300 km. Born in Ohio, she called her relatively light aircraft the Spirit of Columbus.

3) NASA's Apollo 13 suffered an explosion in an oxygen tank and for the duration of the mission everyone was in suspense as to whether the astronauts would survive re-entry.

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