Monday, June 04, 2012

Alan Rock's Trivia


1) On June 4, 1937, grocery chain owner Sylvan Goldman introduced something new to his Humpty Dumpty store in Oklahoma City.  What was it?

2) On June 4, 1896, Henry Ford took his first car for a night-time drive in Detroit.  The test was delayed briefly because the car was wider than the door of the shed in which it was built.  What did he call his first car?

3) Who was the first author in history to have both the #1 and #2 books on the New York Times best-seller list?


1) The first shopping cart, which involved merely installing wheels and a basket on a folding chair.

2) Ford called his first car a quadricycle.  It was steered with a rudder and had no reverse.

3) Robert Fulghum in 1989.  The books were "It was On Fire When I Lay Down On It" (#2) and "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten."

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