Friday, February 01, 2013

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1)  On this date in 1940, Frank Sinatra had his first recording session with the Tommy Dorsey Band. He recorded "Too Romantic" and "The Sky Fell Down." Sinatra was there to replace what singer?

2)  On this date in 1964, the first mass-marketed doll/action-figure was introduced by Hasbro. The character was named for a character in a 1945 film starring Robert Mitchum. What was the character's name?

3)  Where is the Brandenburg Gate located?


1)  Jack Leonard was the band's previous singer.

2)  G.I. Joe

3)  Berlin, Germany. The story of the gate's history is an interesting one. It was commissioned by Friedrich Wilhelm II in the late 1700s to represent peace. Though the ensuing years brought more war and devastation, the gate continued to stand. It was the site where, in 1963, President Kennedy declared, "Ich bin ein Berliner" and where Ronald Reagan gave his "Tear-Down-This-Wall" speech in 1987.

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