Friday, May 03, 2013

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1)  Bing Crosby was born on this date in 1903.  Four of the many songs he sung won Academy Awards: "Sweet Leilani" (1937, "White Christmas" (1942), "Swinging on a Star" (1944), and "In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening" (1951). He also picked a Best Actor Oscar for his role in this 1944 film.

2)  What is the name of The Netherlands new king?

3)  This capitol was incorporated on this date in 1802.

4)  The latest Star Trek film  goes into wide release May 17. What is its name?


1)  Going My Way

2)  King Willem Alexander

3)  Washington, D.C.

4)  Star Trek Into Darkness

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