Sunday, July 10, 2016

Alan Rock's Trivia

Q: Emily Dickinson wrote more than 900 poems. How many were published during her lifetime? A: Four

Q: What is America’s most popular snack food? A: Ritz Crackers: Lay's, Doritos, Fritos, and Orville Redenbacher. Wheat Thins, Cheetos, Tostitos, Pringles, and Triscuit

Q: What is America's favorite vegetable (most eaten)? A: Potatoes. Every year we consume about 140 pounds of potatoes per person. Europeans have us beat, though. They consume twice as many spuds as American potato lovers!

Q:What is America’s favorite beverage? A: Tap Water followed by unsweetened bottled water, then milk (2% fat). The CDC did the survey and also found Americans love coffee over cola; apple juice over orange juice.

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