Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Alan Rock's Trivia Questions

Q: Whose picture is on a U.S. dollar coin?

A: Feminist Susan B. Anthony, who was born on this date in 1820. If women really wanted her to be remembered, they should have put her picture on something men see every day, like the Susan B. Anthony TV remote.

Q: On this day in 1879, an act of Congress gave women attorneys the right to do what?

A: Argue cases before the Supreme Court. Apparently, Congress finally realized that there's just no stopping a woman who wants to argue.

Q: The first movie version of what horror creature was released on this date in 1931?

A: Dracula. Some people actually believe there are "undead" creatures that live on the blood of the living. In Transylvania these creatures are called vampires. In the U.S. they're called IRS agents.

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