Friday, April 14, 2006

Alan Rock's Trivia Questions

Q: On April 14, 1956 Ampex Corporation demonstrated the first what?
A: The first videotape recorder. One small step for entertainment, one giant leap for rewinding. It was really embarrassing that the CEO had to ask his 8-year-old to help him demonstrate it. By the way, it was the size of a large freezer.

Q: On this day in 1910, William Taft became the first president to do what?
A: Throw out the first baseball of the season. But Taft never got what he really wanted -- his picture on a presidential bubble gum card. Taft threw a fastball and set a precedent. He was the first politician to throw a fast one instead of pulling a fast one.

Q: On this day in 1971, Walton Bader of New York City sued the Detroit automakers and other firms for allegedly polluting the United States. This was the largest suit in history. How much was he suing for?
A: $675 trillion. By the way, the smallest suit in history was the one worn by Tattoo on "Fantasy Island."

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