Monday, April 17, 2006

Alan Rock's Trivia Questions

Q: On April 17, 1629 what animal was imported into America for the first time?
A: The first imported horse arrived at Massachusetts Colony. The colonists already had poultry, but the arrival of horses was significant. Otherwise, the guys in the Kentucky Derby might all be riding turkeys.

Q: What was the first commercially successful American newspaper?
A: The Boston Newsletter, which began publication on this day in 1704. Newspapers have become very important. Without them, we wouldn't be able to cut out nearly as many grocery coupons.

Q: Norman Julius Esiason was born on this day in 1961. By what name do we know him?
A: Boomer Esiason. He made the transition from quarterback to broadcaster. Unfortunately, he kept getting sacked.

Q: What is the only cat that cannot retract its claws?
A: The cheetah.

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