Thursday, March 06, 2008

Alan Rock's Trivia

On March 6, 1981, what newscaster left CBS news? He was known as "the most trusted man in America". So the network had no choice. They had to get rid of him. A: Walter Cronkite.

In studies reported in the Johns Hopkins Health Insider, what percentage of the ground beef sold at supermarkets was contaminated with salmonella or other bacteria? A: 66%. Cooking until the juices run clear destroys the bacteria.

On March 6, 1925, the first packaged frozen food appeared in Springfield, Massachusetts. Who invented the "deep freeze" process? A: It was Clarence Birdseye. In 1929, Birdseye sold out to the Postum Company for $22 million in, you should excuse the expression, cold cash.

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