Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Alan Rock's Trivia

Q: What was history's only #1 instrumental featuring a zither?
A: On APR 29, 1950: "The Third Man Theme" by Anton Karas hit #1 in the U.S. and stayed there for 11 weeks.

Q: Gideon Sundback patented the "slide fastener" on APR 29, 1913. We know it better as what?
A: The Zipper. The fasteners were first used on galoshes, which could be pulled on and off in a zip and were called "zippers". Zipper is still a legally registered trademark for galoshes. So, legally your fly is a galosh.

Q: What was Jerry Seinfeld's original occupation?
A: He was a telephone/light bulb salesman.

Q: House dust is made up by 70% of what?
A: Skin cells, dead skin cells from humans, animals and insects

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