Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) The first version of a Cinderella story appeared in what country?

2) The U.S. government began operations under the Constitution on March 4, 1789 with the meeting of the first Congress in what city?

3) Who was the first man to stand at the North Pole?

4) During World War II, a select group of young women pilots became pioneers, heroes, and role models. These WASPs were the first women in history trained to fly American military aircraft. The U.S. Congress recently bestowed the highest civilian honor on those we have lost and those we still cherish. What does WASP stand for?


1) China

2) New York City.

3) Robert Peary, on April 6, 1909.

4) Women Airforce Service Pilots. For more information, go to http://www.wingsacrossamerica.us/wasp/.

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