Friday, April 30, 2010

Alan Rock's Trivia!


1) On this date in 1947, the Hoover Dam became "the Hoover Dam" - again. What was its other name?

2) Who was the only performer to perform live instead of lip-synching on American Bandstand?

3) On this date in 1952, this toy was the first to be advertised on television. What was it?

4) Queen for a Day debuted on this date in 1945 on the Mutual Broadcasting System. Who was the show's first host?


1) "Boulder Dam." Here's the rest of the story, courtesy of the Hoover Dam Tour Company: Initially the surveyors suggested the dam should be built at Boulder Canyon due to the granite rock floor. This brought about the name "Boulder Dam." Once the dam's height was reviewed it was determined that Black Canyon would be more suitable since the dam would not have to be as high as at Boulder Canyon.

While preparing for the dam's construction, the railroad had to lay track to the dam site. To officially begin the railroad track project, on September 17, 1930, Secretary of the Interior, Ray L. Wilbur, named the dam "Hoover Dam" at the spike driving ceremony. This announcement came as a surprise to reporters.

Then in 1933 the country changed political party representation by voting Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt into office. Early in his term on May 8, 1933 Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior changed the name back to "Boulder Dam."

After 14 years congress felt compelled to pass a joint resolution to change the name back to "Hoover Dam" in honor of the United States 31st president, Herbert Hoover.

2) Jerry Lee Lewis performed live in 1957.

3) Mr. Potato Head

4) Jack Bailey

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