Monday, March 06, 2006

Alan Rock's Trivia Questions

Q: On this date in 1836 the Battle of the Alamo ended. Can you name the two most famous Americans who were killed by the Mexican army that day?

A: Davey Crockett and Jim Bowie.

Q: On March 6, 2002 Edmar Freitas of Brazil set a world record for the most sit-ups done in 24 hours. How many did he do?

A: 111,000. He averaged 77 sit-ups per minute. If an asteroid is ever on a collision course with Earth, we can use this guy's stomach muscles to bounce it back into space.

Q: In studies reported in the Johns Hopkins Health Insider, how much of the ground beef sold at supermarkets was contaminated with salmonella or other bacteria?

A: 66%. Cooking until the juices run clear destroys the bacteria.

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