Thursday, March 16, 2006

Alan Rock's Trivia Questions

Q: Today is the birthday of the shortest U.S. president. Who was he, and how tall?
A: James Madison, born on this day in 1809. At only 5-4, he was not only the shortest president, but the first to wear long pants. Actually, he wore knee breeches just like his predecessors, but Madison's knee breeches came to his ankles.

Q: When she set sail to meet Mark Antony, what was unique about Cleopatra's ship?
A: The sails were sprinkled with perfume.

Q: According to research at the University of California -- did restaurants in 15 cities that banned smoking (a) lose money, (b) make more money, or (c) experience no change in sales receipts?
A: No change.

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